Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sweat shirts to rag rug

I don't know about you, but I frequently end up with stained clothing.  No matter how careful I may be while creating, I inevitably spill something on myself.  Just call me "grace".  Or klutz, whichever you prefer.

Not only am I accident prone, I am also easily chilled.  It's the native Floridian in me, I am sure. Needless to say, I spend quite a bit of time wearing cozy sweats when I am working in temperatures below 70 degrees.  The cold and I are not friends.  Consequently, I have stained quite a few of my warm and fuzzies by wearing them while crafting and creating.  Hence the abundance of sweat shirt fabric just laying around my house, waiting for a new lease on life.

This rug was crocheted using three different colors of sweats.  The center circle is a pale blue, stained ever so nicely with paint.  The blue is followed by a lovely yellow and finally the plain jane sweat shirt gray.  The stains are still visible throughout the rug.  However, I learned while crocheting this project that the stains became part of the pattern.  Since sweats are fluffy on the inside and smooth on the outside, crocheting twists the fabric in such a way that a nifty pattern emerges.  Using the old sweats was fun.  The rug is super soft and kept me cozy while I crocheted.  And I was able to reuse fabric that could have just as easily ended up at the landfill.  There I go being Earth friendly again.  :)

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