Friday, November 21, 2014

Paper towel tube gift boxes

What can you do with paper towel tubes, used dryer sheets and spray paint?  You can convert them into little gift boxes.  

I thought it would be fun to have a little gift for each person seated around the Thanksgiving table this year.  Nothing fancy or elaborate; just a little something that shows each person I was thinking about them.  Granted, the meal I cook should show them my devotion, but I wanted a little something extra.

These were simple to make which is of course my type of project.  I investigated my supply area and pulled a few things out.  The paper towel tubes were the beginning of my quest.  Next came a few used dryer sheets (and yes, I keep those things) followed by a few old greeting cards with cool little leaves.  Last, but far from least -Mod Podge.

I began by cutting each tube in half lengthwise and folding in the ends.  I then wrapped each one with a dryer sheet.  A little Mod Podge and some drying time and I was ready to paint.  

Originally, I tried using some off white colored acrylic paints but did not care for the look.    Instead, I chose a chocolate brown spray paint I picked up at our local landfill.  (From the free paint shed, woot-woot!)  The final step was to affix the greeting cad leaves and add a little glitter.  Not much glitter, mind you, just enough for a tiny sparkle.

As for what to put inside; I haven't decided.  Maybe a lottery ticket or candy.  Perhaps a note that expresses why I am thankful these people are in my life.  Shucks!  I could go "all out" and put all of that in each gift box.  Regardless of the contents, I am thankful for the opportunity to share this holiday with my family.  Life is good!

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