Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wine Bottle upcycle

This is my first attempt at a wine bottle upcycle.  It is not exactly what I had in mind but that is how creative projects can be at times.  I began by removing the labels and spray painting each bottle with hat I had on hand.  Next, I scrounged through my scrap fabric and found some upholstery samples with colors I thought would coordinate with the bottles.

Admittedly, the orange bottle was a little difficult to find a coordinating fabric I liked.  So I opted for a bit of burlap as a compromise.  Each piece of fabric was affixed to the bottles using my all time favorite thing - Mod Podge!  I love this stuff; it's like magic in a bottle.  A few ribbons around the bottle necks and I consider this project complete.

It must be time for a glass of wine.  I want to try this fun project again!

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