Monday, August 4, 2014

Chest of drawers upcycle

One of today's projects in the works; a chest of drawers upcycle.  As I said, it is in the works so the pictures do not depict a completed project.

My man brought this home for me a few weeks ago and I have been itching to get started!  It came to me as a Plain Jane 5 drawer chest of drawers in need of attention. Two drawers need new bottoms while the other three have already been replaced.

There was nothing wrong with this baby that couldn't be repaired; she's just a little plain looking.  Thus far, I have tried a purple paint job but did not care for that.  Next, I considered working a card stock mosaic across the top, down the sides and over the drawer fronts.  However, that would be somewhat time consuming and I am on a time budget for the next two weeks.  My boy's birthday party rapidly approaches so I need to be careful about the projects I become involved with.  Nothing like inviting a houseful of guests to get me moving! 

This is the progress made thus far.  I have wiped down all surfaces and applied spray adhesive to the top, sides, drawer fronts and back support piece.  Next, I affixed two different patterns of paintable wallpaper we picked up last year on clearance at Lowes.  I believe each roll cost $2.00.  The next step will be to install another support bracket and shelf.  I am not quite certain how I will use this baby once I complete her but am excited to see what happens next!

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