Saturday, July 19, 2014

Recycling plastic bags

I confess, I am cheap, cheap, cheap; there is no doubt about that!  If I can reuse an item, I will. Plastic bags, aluminum foil and wax paper are all items I reuse until they fall apart or feel greasy, whichever comes first.  Since I reuse these things, I must wash them between each use.  I am cheap but dislike funk on my food; it's just a thing with me.  Washing plastic bags is quick and easy.  Finding a place to put them while they dry is another matter altogether - until now.  Take note of the cheerful little "clothesline" I have above my kitchen sink.  It was made with the hems from three discarded t-shirts knotted together and hung between two upper cabinets.  Add a few clothespins and voila, problem solved.

Also shown in this picture is my sweet little kitchen valance.  I just love that thing!  My new valance began its journey as a drapery panel left curbside after a neighboring family moved.  It has a nice heavy weight with a pretty little pattern. I simply could not let this little gem end up at the landfill so I brought her home.  Once she was washed, it only took a few minutes with a pair of scissors and a serger sewing machine to create a brand new look over my kitchen window. There is even some fabric left over for my next brainstorm.  

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