Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fitness rewards

FitBit Rocks! I am getting fit and racking up miles in the #Achieve15 challenge.  Oh, and did I mention that I have earned another $5 in points at Shop Your Way?! Oh my goodness! I encourage any Shop Your Way members with FitBit devices to link your accounts so you too can earn reward points.  It is almost as good as money in the bank!


For those not familiar with Shop Your Way, I encourage you to look into opening the free account.  Shop Your Way (SYW) is a reward site for the Sears, Kmart and Land's End companies.  Members can load coupons to their accounts which can be applied to purchases.  In addition to coupons, SWY members can earn reward points by linking a fitness tracker. Surprise points are occasionally issued to account holders as well.  To be clear,  points equal money to spend in store or online.  I don't know about you, but I can always find something at Sears or Kmart. From groceries to jewelry and everything in between, Sears and Kmart have it all.

Shop Your Way

My man has a FitBit of his own, as well as the SYW rewards account.
His job requires quite a bit of walking which has allowed him to accumulate many miles each week.  Last week, he used his points to buy me an undergarment and laundry soap for the house.  This week, he will be picking up some bags of mulch. Now, I recognize this type of reward is not for everyone.  But for us, it is perfect. My man and I are painfully frugal, both by nature and necessity. Getting everyday essentials without spending any cash is what we love! And best of all, we are able to do this by completing fitness goals!  Life is good!!

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