Thursday, May 28, 2015

Plastic containers run amok!

I have a love/hate relationship with plastic storage containers.  I love them for the ease of use when it comes to leftovers.  I absolutely hate them when it comes to organization. The amount of time I have spent trying to find a lid to match a container is ridiculous!

Thankfully, once I become irritated with a situation, I make sure I find a resolution.  My solutions are far from designer level goods, but they work for me.  Case in point, my oddball plastic container storage solution.

Although I try to avoid the packrat lifestyle, I realize I have an abundance of "stuff" in our home.  As an example, I was given bags full of material, yarn and t-shirts last year.  At the time, I had no idea what I would do with so much fabric, etc. but was not going to decline an offer of free textiles. Many projects later,  I am still working my way through this bounty.  This project is a result of that process.

Among the bags full of fabric, I found many upholstery samples.  You know the type, small pieces of heavy fabric affixed together with grommets to be displayed on a rack.  Essentially, it is a stack of heavy fabric stapled together with grommets.  Well, hot dog! I finally found a use for these odd sized pieces of fabric!

Sewing the pieces together was quick and easy.  I pulled out the serger, grabbed some fabric samples and made some pockets.  A seam across the bottom of each pocket followed by a seam on either side and the sewing aspect of this project was complete! Since the back piece was part of the upholstery sample, I left the grommets in and used those grommets as hangers. Hanging the happy little organizer inside the cabinet doors was a breeze. A small drill bit and two cup hooks later and my organizational wonder was complete.

Now all of my lids are hanging inside the cabinet doors while the matching containers are stacked ever so neatly on the shelves.  This new system has worked out so well!  Rather than opening the cabinet and having plastic pieces flying out, I can easily grab whatever I need. Not to mention, I get to see the pretty colors of the fabric holders every time I open the doors.  I just love that!

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