Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Booth Dinette upcycle

I recently received this sweet little treat from my man.  Some women may enjoy flowers or candy as gifts, however, I happen to appreciate pieces of furniture.  The funkier, the better! Free goodies from Craigslist just make my heart flutter!
                                                                                                                                                                                       My poor little benches were in desperate need of some love and affection.  The previous owners appear to have tried to fix these benches by adding screws, to no avail.  And when I say they added screws, I mean they ADDED screws.  There must have been 20 extra screws and accompanying holes!  Thank goodness I keep wood putty on hand, otherwise these little babies would resemble Swiss cheese.

Not only did my cute benches have extra screws and holes, the pieces did not fit together!  No wonder the previous owners added screws as these babies were never going to stay together without some serious adjustments.  Namely, a saw.  I realized, after multiple attempts at reassembly, that I would have to cut 1/4" off the back support pieces if I had any hope of putting the darlings back together.  Thankfully, I have the necessary tools to make this kind of mistake disappear.
After much fiddling, sanding and reassembling, my sweet little benches are complete.  I just LOVE the color combinations, much more so than the original light stain.  Next project, a table to go with my benches!!  

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