Thursday, February 12, 2015

Let There Be Light

I can get a little goofy when it comes time for SERIOUS cleaning.  There is the everyday type of cleaning which I do not get too worked up about.  You know what I mean when I say everyday cleaning, I am sure.  Just the basics; make beds, sweep floors, do laundry and dishes, etc.  Then there is the SERIOUS cleaning.  The type of cleaning which is performed prior to house guests arriving. Well, I am in the SERIOUS cleaning mode in preparation for my parents arrival next week.  Dusting ceiling fans, cleaning lamp shades, washing baseboards, etc.

I was busily cleaning and dusting yesterday; humming a happy little tune to myself, when I began working on the lamp shades.  A simple enough activity, one would think.   Remove shades, cart out to the garage and blast with an air compressor.  This works wonders for getting dust out of the strange fabric which seems to cover all of my shades.  It is probably perfectly normal fabric but affixed in such a way that I cannot throw it in the washing machine (my preferred method for cleaning).  While blasting the shades, I noticed the two from my bedroom were showing serious signs of age.  Perfectly normal considering I have had these lamps for at least a decade.  However, normal looking or not, I did not like the aged look.  Neither am I  one to run out and buy a replacement unless I absolutely must.  So I grabbed a can of spray paint and had a little fun.

The shade on the right is what each of these looked like prior to my painting frenzy - yuck.  The left sports a fresh coat of spray paint and a new lease on life.  In just minutes, I was able to transform something old into something not so old, also known as new (to me).

Granted, the odds of anyone commenting on the interior appearance of my lamp shades are slim.  However, it makes me feel better as a hostess to have things as neat and fresh looking as possible.  It is just a thing with me.  Obviously, I have been a homemaker for far too many years and need to get out more.  ;)  But that's a story for another day.

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