Thursday, February 26, 2015

Learn Something New!

I love YouTube!  And Pinterest!  And learning new things!  There are so many video tutorials available, a crafty gal can't help but love seeing all of the ideas and demonstrations.  This year, I wanted to focus on handmade gifts for friends and family.  Although my mom taught me a basic crochet stitch years ago, I never really did anything with that knowledge.  Until now.

Thanks to a gift from the crafting universe, namely a very large bag of yarn, I found myself overwhelmed by possibilities.  Limited skills granted, but endless ideas.  However, a few minutes searching both Pinterest and YouTube brought both inspiration and instruction and saved my sanity. I have been one crocheting fool since!!  From scarves and ear warmers to chevron rugs and pot holders; you name it, I have tried it.  Some projects have been more successful than others, but that was due to my mistakes, not the video tutorials.  I can be a little slow on the uptake, so to speak. However, none of these projects would have been possible were it not for the generous YouTube and Pinterest posters who have shared their brilliance with the world.

For those who may be hesitant to try a new craft, take a look at my first crochet projects.  Obviously, I have much to learn, but feel these projects turned out reasonably well.  If I can learn to crochet, anyone can learn, as I am not the most patient person.  This process has been so much fun!  I even went out and bought more yarn.  Not because I needed it but rather because I wanted specific colors.

I am so thankful for the Internet and all of the wisdom it brings!  Since beginning this quest for knowledge and instruction, I have learned so many wonderful techniques.  I never knew how soothing and exciting it could be to create something with yarn and a hook.  Not only have I learned how to crochet with a variety of stitches, I have also realized what a great project this can be to have on hand.   Many hours a week, I am transporting my teenager from one activity or class to another. I spend a lot of time sitting in parking lots, waiting for my boy.  Now I have projects to work on while I wait.  It makes the time pass much more pleasantly.  And I feel as though I am doubly productive. Not only am I providing my homeschooled boy with a variety of activities and classes, I am also able to create while doing so.  That is a win-win situation, in my opinion.

Vanilla Bean Scarf

Corner to Corner pattern

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