Thursday, December 4, 2014

Frugal Holiday Greenery

Rocks and dirt;  that's just what I want in the house!  Okay, I admit, I exaggerated a little bit.  I am not fond of having rocks and dirt in the house, but I do like having flowers and plants.  Even if one of my cats does like to eat them!  That would be my Garfield wannabe cat.  He LOVES to eat flowers and greens.

Since I know any flowers or greens will not last long, I hesitate to spend money on those types of pretty things.  Not only does my cat eat them, he makes a huge mess while doing so.  The stinker.

This year, I decided to add a little holiday greenery that won't irritate me when the cat destroys it. That means it has to be free.  And small, to minimize the clean-up process.  My little cutie pie greenery "bouquet" fits the bill.

I grabbed an old salsa jar (we go through a lot of salsa), some rocks and dirt from the yard, and left over winter grass seeds.

First, I filled the jar about half full with rocks.  Next, I put the dirt and grass seeds in an old pantyhose leg and tied it off.  This, I hope, will minimize the clean-up process when the kitty goes to town.  I finally added some water and waited a few days for the seeds to sprout.  Once the seeds sprouted, I added a little ribbon and a paper towel tube ornament to add a little sparkle.

When all was said and done, I think I ended up with a cute little holiday greenery "vase".  A sweet little whatnot that adds a little cheer.  

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