Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Paper towel tube napkin ring

 I am not ready for Christmas yet!!!  However, every single store around me has been promoting the holiday for a month!  Shucks, at this rate, I would not be surprised if retailers start promoting the big spending season beginning the Fourth of July.  I am already stressed out by the mere thought of Christmas simply because I have been inundated with the sights and sounds of retailers since early October. So, on that note, I have decided to focus on Thanksgiving.  Just call me a rebel.

Considering I have plenty of supplies and materials on hand, I have been busily crafting Fall and Thanksgiving themed pretties.  First on my list, napkin rings.

I began by gathering some scrap fabric and ribbon with what I consider a Fall color scheme.  Next, I cut paper towel tubes into 1 1/2" sections.  I applied Mod Podge to the tubes, wrapped the fabric around the tube and let it dry.  Once dried, I applied more Mod Podge to the inside of the ring, clipped the overlapping fabric down inside the ring (tube) and let dry again.
I decided that I did not like the look of the inside of the ring as it was (and yes, I am picky like that) so I added a thin strip of coordinating fabric inside the ring, followed by a final layer of Mod Podge.

For anyone who has never had the pleasure of working with Mod Podge, you just don't know what you are missing!  This stuff is GREAT!  It is easy to apply, dries quickly, and converts fabric and cardboard into something sturdy.  It's a wonderful thing!
My little scrap fabric, ribbon and cardboard napkin rings are now hard as a rock and ready for the table.

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