Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Greeting card and broken mirror upcycle

I do not like throwing things away, as is obvious from the projects I do.  Not only do I dislike throwing useful items away, I am appalled by the waste I see around me.  It just irritates me!

However, I do enjoy re-purposing items that may otherwise end up at the landfill.  For example, I happened to have a metal frame which, in a prior life, contained four mirrors.  Several of the mirrors broke once the frame hit the floor, but I really liked the neat little pattern of the frame.  There is something nifty about an intricate metal frame, in my opinion.

Since the dreaded broken mirror incident, I have been trying to determine what I could do with the cool metal frame.  It has taken some time but inspiration finally struck!  Rather than using the frame in a traditional sense, I decided to create a little motivational reminder.  What better way to remind myself to always have hope than to put it up on the wall?!  After all, it is difficult to ignore something that is right in your face.

As I love combining the colors pink and black, I searched through my used greeting card stockpile and found cards with a pretty combination of pinks and oranges.  I then fired up the printer, found a font I liked, and printed the word "hope".  Next, I taped the letters to the cards and cut them out.  Last but not least, I used my go-to product of choice - Mod Podge - and affixed the card stock letters to the former mirror backing pieces.  Easy-peasy!

I now have no excuse to ever lose hope as I have a sweet little reminder hanging on the wall.

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