Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Reuse those plastic produce container

I always end up with plastic containers, no matter how hard I try not to.  It's as though they multiply in my garage while I am not looking.

As I do not wish to send them directly to the landfill, I try to come up with new ways to reuse these environmentally unfriendly stinkers.  One use, as shown above, has been to mix grout for my mosaic projects.  It is a nice sized container for small grouting jobs and has a handy dandy lid to use as a drip tray.

I have also found that the square shaped produce containers make for excellent paint trays.  One side can be used for paint while the other is used for wiping off my small paint roller.  Frequently, I mix paint colors for both large and small projects.  Considering all of the paint I use comes from the landfill paint shed, I frequently bring home paint that is not necessarily a color I would choose.  So I mix up my own.  The bowl shaped produce containers are perfect for mixing and short-term storage.  These containers certainly come in handy.

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