Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kmart clearance deals

I LOVE Kmart clearance racks!!!  We scored 9 boxes of Hamburger Helper, 11 boxes of cereal, 13 boxes of Kraft Mac and Cheese, 2 Betty Crocker cupcake mixes, 2 bags of Skittles, 4 boxes of Pop Tarts, 9 bottles of flavored water and a jar of salsa for a whopping $23.94.  Also purchased, but not at clearance prices, a bottle of shampoo and a bottle of conditioner.  It takes a long time to check out at Kmart, especially when they have to call for a manager override, but well worth the wait in my opinion.  My teenage son was quite pleased with the quantity of junk food coming into the house.  

I mentioned to my boy that I knew what he would be having for lunch tomorrow. The smarty pants replied "Skittles?".  No, darlin', I meant mac and cheese.  He gave me the teenager's favorite expression ... (picture the eye roll) an audible sigh with a look that says "seriously?".  At least he was wise enough to toss out a grin. I just love that kid!!

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