Tuesday, July 15, 2014

No sew scrap busting basket liner

Here's my little trash-to-treasure goody for the day; a basket I rescued from a future in the local landfill.  And yes, I have been known to root through a trash pile or two in my day.    The basket is a little bedraggled looking, I admit.  But with a little time and imagination can become something new and useful.  

I happen to have a LOT of scrap fabric and varied materials lying about.  That goes back to my trash treasure hunts and my mother's decision to start cleaning out her stockpiles of whatnots and goodies.
I began with a pretty piece of blue fabric and three bottom hems from t-shirts.
I cut and tied the tree t-shirt hems together and braided.

Then I tucked the fabric into the basket and wrapped the braided t-shirt hems around the top of my basket.  So far, so good!
The final step; trimming!  My little basket won't win any awards but it serves it's purpose well.  I now have a cute little basket to use for storing my crochet hooks, knitting needles and embroidery hoops.  
Ta-da!  All of my needle crafting goodies can hang out together in their new home.  Woot-woot!  Another item checked off the list in my never-ending quest to find a place for everything and have everything in its place.

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