Friday, April 10, 2015

Homeschool foreign language lessons

I am SUPER excited!  My teenage homeschooled son has taken an interest in learning a foreign language.  I have spent years trying to impress upon him the importance of learning another language, with little success.

We live in Florida where both English and Spanish abound.  Naturally, I tried to persuade my boy to learn Spanish, as I consider it useful for our location.  Granted, he has tried to learn the language but with little enthusiasm or success.  And quite frankly, I have not set the best example for him when it comes to foreign languages.  Shucks, I have a hard enough time working with English.  My southern roots run too deep, making a slow drawl more my speed.  But I digress.

Lucky for me, my teen has reached an age where members of the opposite sex make an impression on him.  A BIG impression!  I consider this fortuitous because I can use this attraction to encourage a new learning direction.  Evil homeschool Mom strikes again!

Recently, my boy has taken a shine to a young lady who speaks both French and English.  Wouldn't you know, he is far more receptive to learning a new language now? Time for a stroll through Amazon; foreign language instructions, please.

Thankfully, Amazon offers daily deals.  And I happen to have unused gift card balances earned through reward apps and earning websites.  Talk about a perfect combination!  Sales plus gift card balances equal one very inexpensive foreign language course.  A whopping $25 out of pocket for me for Rosetta Stone - French - Level One.  Happy dance time!

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