Sunday, November 23, 2014

Oh boy, flowers!! And the need for a small vase.

Oh boy, I love fresh flowers!  And so does one of my cats.  The little darling has broken my flower vases by snacking on the stems and knocking the vase to the ground.  Glass does not respond favorably to a three foot drop to a hard surface.  

Be that as it may, I received a surprise bouquet of flowers yesterday - woot-woot!  Which meant I needed a small vase or container of some sort to display my pretties.  Of course,  I did not have one handy, thanks to my pudgy cat!

The first thing I grabbed was an old spaghetti sauce jar primarily because it was close at hand.  After trimming the flowers and placing them in my new "vase" they looked . . . less than wonderful.  

I decided to add a little pizazz by wrapping the jar with scrap fabric and securing it with a bit of coordinating yarn.  Finally, I sprinkled some paper towel tube flowers around the base of the "vase".  I have to say, I think it turned into a cute little display.

Now, if I can just figure out how to keep my Garfield sized cat from snacking on my flowers.

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