Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Top Down Cleaning

My parents are coming for a visit!!  You know what that means?  It is time for a thorough cleaning of the house; ceilings to floors, it all gets done.  Having guests over is one of my favorite things.  Not only do I have a chance to visit with family and friends in a relaxed environment, I also use these types of visits to do some serious cleaning.

Today's cleaning begins with the ceiling, namely the ceiling fans.  I love having ceiling fans!  Here in Florida, fans are perfect for keeping a cool breeze flowing throughout the house.  However, they accumulate some serious dust bunnies.  Especially so when I keep the house open throughout the majority of the year.

Several months ago, I was reading household cleaning tips found through searches across the Internet.  And yes, I am one of those oddball people who study cleaning tips.  One of the many clever ideas I kept coming across involved using a pillowcase to clean ceiling fans.  Turns out today was a good day to give it a try.

The instructions are simple.  Turn the fans off (obviously), find an old pillowcase and place it over a fan blade.  Wipe, pull off and repeat.
This clever cleaning trick worked wonders!  Not only was I able to clean the four ceiling fans quickly, the pillowcase trapped the majority of the dust.  Simply stated, the pillowcase trapped so much dust, I did not have to immediately clean the floors and furniture to prevent tracking the fluff throughout the house.  I did however, take the pillowcase outside, turned it inside out and released the dust bunnies back to their natural environment.  ;)  One final note, use a pillowcase you do not need or want.  Ceiling fan dust does not wash out easily.  It stains.

Next on the list of cleaning chores - lampshades.  I have the air compressor warming up as I finish writing this post.  All that is left is to remove the lampshades, take them to the garage and spray them with some air.  Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom, done!

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